You are never going to please all of the people all of the time. I am so pleased to see that a politician can have the courage to bring some sanity to the province and I hope this spreads.

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I hope you are planning your write to the National Post, which has an article today that says that LBGT groups in Alberta stand in opposition to Danielle Smith’s plan to prohibit hormones and surgery for minors.

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Thank you for this article and for the politician to speak to the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community and offer sane resolutions. As a gay man, I don't fully understand or appreciate the deep emotional feelings of a transgendered person. From my own experience, I knew when I was very young I liked men and the attraction never left.

I applaud the families 👪 of transgendered children to have the freedom to live their life, but if they feel as they grow older no this wasn't me then they have the freedom to change.

I'm so glad for what the politician is doing and that they are saying wait until you are older.

Maybe I read the article wrong and I apologize. I'm so glad that those in Canada have the support of their politicians for our community I hope America can catch up.

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