Just sent some supplies. I hope you're able to open minds and hearts, and stop some endocrinologists from harming vulnerable young people who have no clear idea what they are doing.

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Good luck at the conference; I’ll be thinking of you!

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Sent a small donation.

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I have one comment re the books. I’m highly attuned to the materials that can appear “biased” and to pursuade drs esp those deep in the gender weeds it is worth being super sensitive about what books to share. I LOVE Sasha and Stella and I’ve read their book, but the audience is parents who are already troubled and the “bias” is clearly stated. Same for the child psych book. On the flip side Hannah Barnes book is a good choice for this audience.

I’d spend money to help you print copies of the Cass review and their supplementary paper reviewing evidence on PB’s.

The other material i wish i could print a million of is the paper on gender neutral language in maternity care by some Australian medical people… really well written for a medical audience in ANY field with practical alternatives for dealing with this patient base (i can look it up)

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We completely agree regarding the appearance of bias on books. We are waiting for two books which we think will be great additions in the future (Jessie Singal and Lisa Selin Davis).

We will be printing an overview of the Cass Review and a few other papers more geared to endocrine providers.

What we do find though is that some of the providers who are already concerned about the topic or even support do appreciate the other books and we gear what we give to people based on the conversations. Sometimes it's also encouraging those already concerned and questioning to become more engaged and more willing to speak up when we give them a book.

We also have found a segment of the providers are also parents with kids with gender distress and we gear some of the books directly to them (like Sarah and Stella).

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Donated cash--the universal gift certificate!

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You all should be in prison for what you’re doing to innocent kids that are having their minds bent by a perverted gaggle of morons who should be allowed nowhere near any child at all.

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Hi David, this comment is very unclear. Can you explain what you are actually saying? I am concerned that you might not have a clear understanding of who we are or what we are advocating for. Perhaps you might want to review our other posts and consider our position before rapidly sending comments such as these. Thanks

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What isn’t clear? You are inserting yourselves into areas that common sense would tell most people to stay to hell away from.

Do whatever you want to your miserable selves, but stop advocating the butchering of children’s minds and bodies.

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It appears clear from this post that you do not understand our position. We are opposed to pediatric gender medicine in its current form in the United States and Canada. We do not support the use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, or surgical procedures in children or adolescents.

We are also not inserting ourselves, we have personal and professional experience with this issue.

Many gay and lesbian adults experience periods of gender incongruence, we understand these feelings and we understand that children who might be experiencing gender incongruence deserve the right to grow up with bodies and minds unadulterated.

Many of us also have worked in the pediatric gender industry and become whistleblowers.

We are all for freedom of speech, but perhaps when exercising that right one should remember that it also has the responsibility to know what one is talking about first.

We might not be the substack for you, totally ok! Thanks for dropping in for this strange visit.

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“Pediatric gender INDUSTRY”?


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David, I understand your viewpoint. I have a daughter who wants to transition and I am fighting against this as are these people. They feel the same way you and I do. They are NOT part of the gender INDUSTRY. They are courageously standing up against it...which is very brave.

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This crap should have never been allowed to happen. This is exactly what takes place when one group says “we want equal rights”, then they bitch, whine, and cry to where if you don’t agree with everything they demand, society turns to shit, but YOU’RE the one who’s wrong.

Not everyone is homophobic if they disagree with what that whole bullshit movement has led to. My disagreeing is, OF COURSE, HATE SPEECH, because my words offend YOU? People are really, really growing tired of all this Leftist, woke stupidity.

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So heartbreaking Charles 😥 How did we even get here?🤦🏽‍♂️

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Do you want books to hand out? I see everything on your wish list is already purchased:)!

Thank you for what you are doing!

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Yes! We would love to be able to hand out copies of Time to Think by Hannah Barnes. It was not clear that there were copies available for order from Amazon in time. In the past we had also had available Lost in Trans Nation, When Kids Say They're Trans, and the PITTS book.

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Books have been added to the Amazon wish list! Everyone is amazing for the rapid support!

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it won't let me buy any more books....maybe it is too late? thanks!

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