This is going to be very helpful. There is an excellent affidavit from a Wisconsin lawsuit challenging a school's secret social transition. Dr. Erika Anderson is the expert and was president of wpath at one point.
The key to her affidavit is that social transition is an affirmative psychotherapeudic treatment and that it has significant implications as to the desistance rates of kids. She also states that it is crucial to have family involvement in these treatments.
What the schools are doing is criminal. They are engaging in medical treatment.
I think is important to stop letting people control the conversation on social transition. It's not just "kids exploring" and it's not harmless. It locks them into their transition which makes desistence much less likely.
Not an SOC, per se, but Dr. Michael Dillon (a British trans man) wrote the first book, Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology, detailing the course of taking cross-sex hormones for the purpose of medically transitioning that was published in 1946.
This is going to be very helpful. There is an excellent affidavit from a Wisconsin lawsuit challenging a school's secret social transition. Dr. Erika Anderson is the expert and was president of wpath at one point.
The key to her affidavit is that social transition is an affirmative psychotherapeudic treatment and that it has significant implications as to the desistance rates of kids. She also states that it is crucial to have family involvement in these treatments.
What the schools are doing is criminal. They are engaging in medical treatment.
I think is important to stop letting people control the conversation on social transition. It's not just "kids exploring" and it's not harmless. It locks them into their transition which makes desistence much less likely.
Not an SOC, per se, but Dr. Michael Dillon (a British trans man) wrote the first book, Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology, detailing the course of taking cross-sex hormones for the purpose of medically transitioning that was published in 1946.
Half of this is is an excellent history essay.
Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association was NOT founded by Dr. Harry Benjamin.