Thank you much, Aaron, for your honesty and courage.

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Thank you, Aaron. I love your podcast, too! It has helped me stay sane as I navigate this situation with my kid!

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Me too it’s relaxing. Sometimes I listen to it if I can’t sleep. Which is often. Aarons are cool. Love the Aarons.

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Thank you, Aaron! This was very brave.

If you want to have a greater impact, I would suggest naming the facility at which you worked. Otherwise it will be very easy for your revelations to be dismissed, because they are not easily verifiable.

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This is such a heated topic and TRAs can threaten people. This is a serious concern for any public person to think about. Personal safety is important. Idk what the right thing to do is bc I’m not a public person. But doxing and threats are real concerns.

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I understand, as someone else who has to remain anonymous for now, due to temporary custody issues in my case.

I think that one thing we can do for those brave public folks, is to try not to heap our own fears onto them. I am sure that their own fear is plenty to ensure they act with an appropriate level of caution. Let's celebrate their boldness, rather than wring our hands over it.

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Could that be dangerous in terms of the clinic taking legal action?

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Well, Jamie Reed did it at St. Louis Children's, and she still works there though no longer in the clinic, which she left shortly before she blew the whistle: https://ago.mo.gov/docs/default-source/press-releases/2-07-2023-reed-affidavit---signed.pdf?sfvrsn=6a64d339_2.

The laws are different in Canada no doubt, I am no expert there.

But we have to be brave. If we focus on the worst possible case scenarios, we will do nothing. If Aaron wants to be taken seriously by those he is hoping to peak, not just those who already agree with him, he's going to have to name names. There is no way around it.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

It’s my understanding that free speech is not a protected constitutional right in Canada. At least in the US we have the first amendment. I understand wanting to move things along asap. The WSJ article signed by the European docs calling out the American Endocrine Society was a big deal. Last week. Bon courage

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I do agree - we have to stop pussyfooting around.

I do know though that Canada has really doubled down on 'anti-trans' 'hate' and wondered if there was something particular stopping him?

Perhaps he could put an explainer up at the end of the post.

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The guy has been through a lot particularly his personal story is heartbreaking. Idk how he continues this work. Many hands make light work. Things are changing. It’s going to change soon. I know it. In my gut.

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Thanks for clarifying! This is really helpful.

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Thank you so much for your courage to stand up for what is right!!! I believe you will be blessed!! 🙏🏻

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Fake Being Suicidal? Do you have the time in it or the approximate time in the recording, it's hard stomaching listening to the whole thing to find the moment for myself. Thank you!

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Wow! Sorry to hear this - Canada is in a bad way to be sure. Not that everything's fine in Europe but as you noted some sanity is making headway over here, and the laws are not so Draconian and are seldom actually deployed to put people in prison for having the wrong opinions. Two pending prosecutions in Norway over the past year were thrown out by judges who found the charges ridiculous, and similarly in Scotland. Still people do lose their jobs but better laws to counterbalance bad laws make it possible for people to appeal and sue for discriminatory dismissal. Maya Forstater was recently awarded a 100.000 pounds to be paid by her former employer, after four years.

I feel a great relief and a surge of hope when I hear of people not afraid to put the kids lives first, especially in a place so diabolically Woke as Canada. Thank you.

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