Thank you for your comments. We corrected the email address and also made an edit to hopefully allow for you to simply cut and paste the sample letter. Appreciate your feedback as we strive to best serve you our readers and subscribers!

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Thanks for all you do!

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Thank you for alerting people to this action. I agree it is important, but I am flummoxed as to why you don't give a way for people to at least cut and paste your sample letter. This kind of action needs large numbers to even be noticed. Yes, individual communications are better, but only if they are sent! There is an aide whose job it is to make a count for his or her bosses. Not to carefully read each communication. Most people don't have time to do write their own email, create hyperlinks, weed through all the information and write a carefully tailored response. Even if you don't have a setup to make it a few clicks, please at least provide a sample letter people can copy.

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We made the correct and sincerely appreciate the feedback!

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I made a screen print of the letter, opened it with PhotoShop, cropped it so only the letter showed, saved it as a PDF document, opened it with Adobe Acrobat, made the text recognizable, then copied the text from the PDF document onto a blank Word document. I had to make a few corrections to the Word document when there were omissions or incorrect characters, but I am used to doing it.

This isn't to say there aren't easier methods.

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I'm an Oregonian and a gay sex realist. I've submitted my comment letter and sent LGBT Courage Coalition a copy as requested.

Thank you for spearheading this. We certainly can't count on Basic Rights Oregon (BRO), the state's once-proud and mighty gay rights organization, to do the right thing and challenge these proposed rules. If anything, BRO was probably at the table when these terrible rules were drafted.

Even Oregon's newspaper, The Oregonian, is in the bag for gender ideology. After the election a reporter wrote a scare piece about the "terror" in Oregon's "LGBT+ community" with Trump's election. "How will a 2nd Trump presidency alter LGBTQ+ rights in Oregon? Communities brace for impact." It is behind a paywall at: https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/11/how-will-a-2nd-trump-presidency-alter-lgbtq-rights-in-oregon-communities-brace-for-impact.html

One would not need to be on the staff of the Columbia Journalism Review to see that the reporter either didn't understand or didn't respect the difference between reporting and editorializing. The piece touched on the major elements of the trans agenda - gender affirming medical care and men in women-only athletics - as if they were as uncontroversial as being nice to kittens and puppies. As a result, readers who rely on the paper for their view of the world would have no way knowing that those topics and others are being vigorously contested across the US and in other parts of the world. It took the head of the organization that organizes Pride to point out that same-sex marriage may come under threat. It's something that somehow slipped the mind of the trans person at BRO when the paper asked for comment.

I hope that the Trump administration follows through on Trump's promises to curb the excesses of trans activism and that we reap the benefits in Oregon, for example, by shutting down the indoctrination that youth in public K-12 are getting in school and preventing school districts from allowing biologically male bodies to compete against real females in womens'-only events. God knows that the progressives who still run most of Oregon politics that matters are not going to make reforms on their own.

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Do you have to sign your name as a resident of Oregon for your email to count?

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You do not have to be from Oregon.

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It is truly sobering to realize how stupid people can become when they really put their minds to it. Replacing "reality" with "ideology" will not end well - we all know this - yet this crazy-train continues to rumble down the tracks toward the inevitable cliff.

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