
This is an excellent comment. If anyone feels like they would like to address this and would like to write an essay taking this on, please submit to LGBTcouragecoalition@gmail.com

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We need the friggin AMA AAP to be called out on their refusal to do a review of the scientific literature (weak to extremely weak) evidence supporting mental health improvement as a medical intervention for gender dysphoric youth.

The WSJ letter from European experts calling out the Endocrine Society Bc the new president claims “the science is settled” needs to get more media attention. Endocrinologists are hunkering down discussing whether they will have the moral courage to speak out or stay bullied into silence.

If anyone decides to call Arkansas they should cite that article. The US is usually the world leader in medicine and we have some of most prestigious medical centers in the world. This is a historical event that the Europeans expect docs are calling the American block and refusal to address this as issue in a scientific way. This not normal or common at all. Ask a cardiologist, the rigor for the studies and recommendations are vigorously studied. I’ll quote a cardiologist who was incredulous when I showed the “research”.


CNN clearly can’t report on the WSJ letter but they should have. They buried the lead. I’m the certain Endocrine Society was humiliated by that letter. Also, props to the 3 American docs who signed it bc they’ve been shouting from the rooftops for a few years and they are finally being heard. At least by the Europeans.

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I am conflicted about such legislation and worry it is 1) cover for passing laws to restrict/ban reproductive medical care and abortion for women and 2) a "cultural" issue being used by the political right to gain power for LOTS of things I disagree with. The problem really is with the legacy institutions that represent medical and psychological health care providers, right? THEY are being dishonest about the evidence for childhood medical care. We wouldn't need laws targeting the behavior of medical and psychological healthcare providers and families if these institutions were telling people the truth. Is there a tradition of action or a political pathway that can influence the AMA, APA, AAP, ENDO & etc.? Perhaps the kind of legislation that is being proposed and passed is the only way it works to change cultural (and medical?) beliefs in the U.S. But is it? I am working to call on my courage and speak out in my personal and professional spheres but I am queasy about this action. Help me out here!

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Mary I agree with you 100%. Red states ban and the blue states double down and allow for more extreme laws. For example, in Washington State the legal age of informed consent without parent notification for medical interventions is now 13 years old and in Oregon it’s age, no parent needed. I don’t think politics is the best way to go about this. Idk what the answer is but I’m worried that if the far left continues to ignore the science, we will lose everything, including gay marriage.

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I agree with you completely! If the health care providers were acting ethically and in line with science based practices we would not be in this mess! Why can't we wrangle these providers instead of banning things that could make some necessary medical interventions impossible?

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Amazing writing. I felt betrayed by rep. Cox

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Spot on Mary!!

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