Just like cosmetic surgeries that are not medically necessary, body modification procedures should not be covered by medical insurance.

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i wonder if the whole thing eventually will be excised from medicine to instead create a new culture of body modification focused on personal freedom. If that happens, i don’t look forward to the gaslighting that i predict. it’s already begun actually with more and more narratives of people claiming trans surgeries were never supposed to make them feel better, they just need them anyway.

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Hey, they can go out and get noses like an elephant's as far as I am concerned. I just don't want their culture of body modification enshrined in law so that the elephant-nosed among us enjoy a legally protected status and can make life hell for anyone won't say they are real elephants.

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Given what we have discovered about the motivations and actions of the ACLU, Department of Health and Human Services, and WPATH That were discovered in the Alabama case about their state ban, this paper just seems like another attempt at creating a paper trail and "evidence base" for protecting doctors and therapist when they get sued

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I hope the sex realist side will employ savvy lawyers who will educate judges that gender "theory" is not a scientific theory at all but a crap nihilist philosophy.

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Primarily rhetorical comment, but also sincere:

I will never understand why in hell the approach can't just be:

1. You are the sex you are (and there are only two).

2. Literally no one is born in the wrong body and if you feel body dysmorphia let's help you learn to accept material reality.

3. You can be as gender nonconforming as you want to be - on your own dime, but...

4. No one else has to play along if they don't want to, so if that bothers you, let's help you learn to be OK with other people not having to validate your feelings, especially not at the end of a legal/policy/HR gun.

WHHHYYYYYY not just do that?! JFC, this insanity.

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To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.

Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.

However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).

Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.

Their actions are evil and the

understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.

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'Gender Affirming Care" is Elephantoplasty:


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