I'd like to find a local group to strategize with for indirect actions like strategic lawsuits, pressuring healthcare and education unions, etc. My sense is that people are turned off by demos, especially those led by women over 30 (unfair as that is). The "Let Women Speak" rallies aren't even defended by police and get virtually no media coverage for all their bravery and the extremely high risk to their physical safety and livelihoods. Any ideas on how to find like minded souls behind a deep blue curtain?
I'd like to find a local group to strategize with for indirect actions like strategic lawsuits, pressuring healthcare and education unions, etc. My sense is that people are turned off by demos, especially those led by women over 30 (unfair as that is). The "Let Women Speak" rallies aren't even defended by police and get virtually no media coverage for all their bravery and the extremely high risk to their physical safety and livelihoods. Any ideas on how to find like minded souls behind a deep blue curtain?
Yes. Enjoyed our conversation on X. Can’t wait!