I am impressed by this , being from the UK . I should explain that the Cass report has not had entirely the effect Americans seem to think it has !

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You are all wonderful, and I love calls to action of any type. In this case, however, there is absolutely no way my Congressperson, Jerry Nadler, would respond well to hearing from me on a bill promoted by Dan Crenshaw. Yes, everything Crenshaw states is 💯 on target, though I will have to say I don’t trust his motives one bit. I also read the bill and thought it well crafted. But for any of you who have pets who act up at the vet, causing the vet to put a mark on the chart, you might understand that, with Nadler, I likely have several such marks on my chart, and there is no way I can feed into him anything more that confirms his view that I am a hyper transphobe to be not only ignored, but scorned.

Meanwhile, on other fronts, I have called Ct Senator Murphy’s office (as he won’t accept comments from non-constituents), and said this: Dear Senator Murphy: I have long appreciated your work, which is why I call now with a note of caution. I watched your impassioned speech on the Senate floor about trans-identified boys and men in women’s and girls’ sports. I call to ask of you to sit down with Martina Navratilova and hear her point of view on these issues. I am a staunch Democrat and am for that reason particularly distressed to see how badly astray the Democrats have gone on the issue of protecting the female category, which was the raison d’etre for Title IX. As a woman who is old enough to have witnessed the before and after Title IX, and how powerful it has been to give fair opportunities to women and girls to shine, I am utterly dismayed and feel abandoned by my party’s current stance. Yes, the Republicans weaponize these issues out of bad motives, but that is all the more reason why we, as Democrats, have to contend with this and get it right. Please, please, please, sit down with Martina Navratilova and listen, with your keen intelligence and an open mind, to what she has to say. Thank you for your service.

If you want to call his office also, please feel free to crib my text.

Here’s a link to what Murphy said in the Senate floor. Yes, I know this is on Title IX, but as we know, it is all part and parcel of the same horrific travesty.


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Such an important project!

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