We are excited that we have received permission from both the hosts and the guest to share with you today this podcast from Heterodorx. The hosts are Nina Paley and Corinna Cohn.
Both host Corinna Cohn and guest Zander Keig have important stories to share from inside the LGBT and both have experienced cancelation campaigns. Maybe organically the theme emerging this week is that shared experience. One of the first things that started to bring this coalition together is the shared experience of cancelation, revocations of invitations to Thanksgiving dinner, or attempts at ‘interventions’ for wrongthink, or getting removed from conferences. Its painful and isolating.
It is not easy to express any concerns. It takes courage. If you have a story to share about your own experiences: maybe after sharing that you have questions about children and adolescents transitioning, maybe you tried to opt out of pronouns at the bottom of your work email, maybe you watched someone get kicked out of a restaurant for discussing this topic in the ‘wrong way’; we want to share your stories.
Send your stories to lgbtcouragecoaltion@gmail.com. You can be anonymous.
Now on to the show:
From anti-social teenage lesbian drop-out, to Coast Guardsman, to seminarian, to licensed clinical social worker, Zander Keig has led a singular life. Like Corinna, Zander is an old-school transsexual, but the culture has changed since the (not actually) halcyon tranny days of yore. Recently, Zander went from being WPATH Educator of the Year to becoming the subject of an ethics complaint and an underhanded cancel campaign — for committing the unforgivable sin of advising the Gender Dysphoria Alliance. Keig’s equanimity stands out even more than the fascinating, insightful, and occasionally harrowing stories on this episode.
Zander Keig’s website:
Gender Dysphoria Alliance:
Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism:
The podcast: