This week, a citizen petition was submitted to the FDA to request immediate action to address the off-label use of puberty blockers in children.
More information about this petition can be found on Gender Clinic News and on a Genspect Twitter/X thread here.
The petitioners urge the FDA to take action to:
1) Commission a systematic review of this off-label use by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).
2) Issue written requests under the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) for long-term registry studies of this off-label use.
3) Create a dedicated web page concerning this off-label use.
4) Alert manufacturers and providers to the consequences of unlawful promotions of this off-label use.
Action: Submit A Comment to the FDA
Public comments are enabled on the petition. Please write a comment to express your support.
1) Go to the petition website here.
2) Click on the “Comment” button to submit your comment
You may also view the comments that have already been posted on the petition under “Browse Posted Comments.”
Thank you for taking action!
Please send your submissions to
Thank you!
The FDA should be looking into this scandal!